Who’s Who at Falmouth Town AFC

A list of ‘Who’s Who’ at Falmouth Town AFC.

On the board

Directors: Graham Medlin, Malcolm Newland

Club Staff

Club Secretary: Wayne Pascoe
Fixtures and Matchday Secretary: Wayne Pascoe
Treasurer: Lesley Page
Welfare Officer (adult team): Jade Herman
Welfare Officer (under-18s team): Jade Herman
Commercial: Vince Curtis, Adele Wiles
Kit Manager: Trevor Jones
Head Groundsman: Trevor Jones
Groundstaff: Micky Westgarth, Joff Medlin, Dave Beard, Graham Medlin, Jeff Chambers
Bar Manager: Malcolm Newland
Bar Team: Jane, Alishia, Maria, Demii, Dionne, Christa
Catering: Damys
Club Shop: Macron Sports


Head Steward: To be appointed.
Matchday Stewards (inside and outside the ground): Andy Davis, Nigel Wilkes, Penny Garwood, Paula Furze.
Matchday Co-ordinator: To be appointed.
Turnstiles: Phil Wilkes, Graham Medlin
Stadium Announcers: Wayne Pascoe, Brian Tregunna, Jimmy Miller
Boardroom Hospitality: Trevor Jones, Terry Williams
Safety Officer: To be appointed.
50/50 Ticket Vendor: Wayne Pascoe
Ball Boys/Girls: Jacob Westgarth, Oscar Westgarth, Heath Brandwood, Reggie Manley, George Connelly, Jack Storey, Billy Bigos, Burley Herman, Charlotte Brush, Harry Roberts


First Team Manager: Andrew Westgarth
Assistant Manager: To be appointed.
Player Coach’s: Andy Elcock
Coach: Tommy Matthews
Physio: Haydn Jose
High Performance Coach: Brian Tregunna
Goalkeeping Coach: Wayne Roberts
Trainer: Micky Westgarth
Second Team Manager: Jon Perrow
Assistant Manager: To be appointed.
Assistant Referee: Paddy Kellow
Under-18s Team Manager: Dave Rawlings
Under-18s Team Assistants: Rachael Brockett, Harry Rodgers
Kit Room Assistant: Micky Westgarth

Media and Communications


Director Graham Medlin: gjmedlin@hotmail.co.uk / 07899 957548

First Team Manager Andrew Westgarth: amwestgarth@hotmail.co.uk / 07792 258821

Commercial Manager Vince Curtis: vince.curtis@hotmail.co.uk

Club Secretary Wayne Pascoe: richardpascoe25@btinternet.com / 07827 502025

Bickland Park, Bickland Hill, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4PB

Company Information

F.C. Falmouth Town is a Private Limited Company by guarantee without share capital use of ‘Limited’ exemption. Companies House Registration No: 08565181

Registered Office address: – F.C. Falmouth Town, Bickland Hill, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4PB